Saturday 19 November 2011

Final Post

In summary, propaganda was a major part of recruiting soldiers for World War 1. Propaganda is still used nowadays, to change the public’s opinion. To recap on what the blog Weiyu and I have created, I will elaborate on the concept of propaganda. Propaganda is the manipulation of peoples’ outlook through the use of visual and aural media.  Here are some fun facts about propaganda.
1.     Propaganda has various forms. It can be advertised on the television, on a poster, via radio etc.
2.     In World War 1, usually propaganda used society’s expectations to pressure men into being recruited. They also exploited families, by generalising the beliefs that all families were happy and proud of their father/son/brother were fighting in the war etc.
3.     It is debated whether propaganda is the altering of political opinions or whether it is just persuasive communication, either way they both revolve around persuading an audience.
4.     It can be said that the propaganda that was used in World War 1 was very effective as it brought many soldiers in to the war. They had even young men, too young to try out eager to sign up.
5.     However the idea of war that was portrayed to the population glorified the idea of war and thus many men were give n a false impression of what it was actually like.

This concludes Weiyu‘s and Monica’s Blog on Propaganda.
Thankyou for reading!

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